Media issues

Categories: Media issues / Richard D North

30 November 2012


Guest post: RDN says Leveson wasn’t liberal

By Richard D North:

So far I am with David Cameron and find support in the majority of each of the responses by almost all the intelligent right and by some boldly liberal others including Max Hastings, David Aaronovitch, Ian Hislop, Liberty, Camilla Cavendish, Peter Lilley, John Whittingdale, Chris Blackhurst, Fraser Nelson. Their shared bottom line is to keep the state out of it: that one wants the least, smartest regulation possible. Read on ›

Categories: Media issues / Political spin

20 June 2012


Leveson “threat” to quit? Not quite and…

The Daily Mail‘s headline on Sunday informed us of “Leveson’s ‘threat to quit’ over meddling minister”. Readers only discovered in the middle of the piece that it was reporting what unnamed sources assumed Leveson implied, not what he had threatened. More bits of the story begin to fall apart as one reads it carefully; that is to its contradictory end. Read on ›

Categories: Crisis management / Media issues

26 April 2012


Reality check on Leveson, Murdoch and Hunt

Hating the Murdochs is a sport in some quarters. It is almost all the old British left has left. Socialism is not doing well, but loathing Thatcher and her biggest media supporters still resonates. In the case of culture secretary Jeremy Hunt, we have what looks like the perfect mirror-image foolishness from the right-wing of politics. Read on ›

Posted by Dr. Andrew Calcutt

Categories: Dr Andrew Calcutt / Guest Writers / History of PR / Media issues

13 June 2011


Hairy Days for Journalism

On the night of Wednesday 8th June, Alastair Campbell issued a stark warning to British journalists. Speaking ‘in conversation’ with Bill Hagerty, editor of British Journalism Review, New Labour’s former spin doctor warned that journalism risks losing even more integrity by shifting its ‘centre of gravity’ further towards celebrity culture. Read on ›

Categories: Media issues

14 February 2011


New muse on social media in Egypt

Now Mr Mubarak has fled Cairo the significance of social media in Egypt should become plainer to see. Its work in fomenting and facilitating popular revolution has been done. Was it anywhere near as great as its fans suppose? I think not. Read on ›

Categories: Media issues

7 February 2011


Muse on Egypt and SM

The story of the murdered blogger Khalid Said has been an inspiration for protest in Egypt in recent weeks. But many of the claims made in mainstream media about how this struggle played out on social media should be treated with care. Read on ›