Crisis management

PR comes into its own when clients are in deep trouble – whether of their own making or not. Speed, intelligence, guile, contacts, PRs need them all when the chips are down.

Categories: Crisis management / Media issues

15 December 2008

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Libby Purves is spot on – show respect

I recommend today’s opinion piece column by Libby Purves in The Times. She argues that the first rule of sacking is show some respect. She cites an example of how the BBC fired Ed Stourton, an admired Today presenter, in an ill-mannered fashion. Her point is: times might be hard, but dignity and respect still matter. Mine is: get it wrong and reputations will suffer.

Categories: Credit Crunch / Crisis management / CSR reality check / Trust and reputations

20 November 2008

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Barclays continues to show the way

As I dug in to my morning Muesli here on the Zurich lake I caught up with yesterday’s FT. There I read an amusing editorial about Barclays being the listening, theatrical bank that headed off a shareholder revolt by the skin of its teeth. It’s true though: in a very clumsy fashion, Barclays and its shareholders are forging a brave new world. The implications for financial PR are profound. Read on ›