PR issues

This is my profession. Oh, alright. It’s my trade. But I still think it’s a business capable of integrity, honour and decency.

Categories: Political spin / Zurich

3 December 2010


England never stood a chance with FIFA. Good.

Britain’s David Cameron just spent three days schmoozing the unschmoozable FIFA bigwigs. But did he and Prince William really delude themselves that their assorted PR team, powerpoint presentations and charm could bring the 2018 World Cup to England? Let’s hope not. Read on ›

Categories: PR issues / Reviews

24 November 2010


“Deadly Spin” is mere spin

The author of Deadly Spin, former PR man Wendell Potter, is posing as a whistleblower with something useful to reveal. But a quick look at his book’s main theme suggests that he’s talking nonsense about his trade because he doesn’t like its paymasters.